Clair de LuneSE switching disiplines: from eventing to showjumping with Rich Fellers!


Clair de LuneSE is ready to rock! Gone to Rich Fellers to have a new career in showjumping!! After a 1 1/2 year off due to a 2″ tear in his RF SDF tendon, we are excited to move from an eventing to a showjumping career. A big thank you to Marilyn Little for year and a half she had him in eventing and introduced him to showjumping at WEF. Thanks also to Liz Cornell for his training to 4th level dressage.  As always thanks to our clients, and sponsors who have supported Clair de LuneSE, especially my daughter, Mickey, who has been rehabing him and bringing him back for the last 6 months!